In this series of images, twenty individuals representative of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered (GLBT) community, will be speaking out about the discrimination they must face due to their deviance in social normality. Each individual captured in this series has shared their story and hurt with the photographer and asked to record, on paper, something they have heard or experienced concerning their sexuality. Each person is real. Each word written is felt.
I'm looking for some more people for my book... especially looking for a few people who are transgendered or even someone who cross dresses. If you know anyone who is interested (including yourself) pleaaaaaaaaaase let me know. I'll buy you a beer and be forever grateful.

front cover:

back cover:

Here is the artist statement which will be on the inside cover of the book:

I'm still not sure what kind of title I want to use but I know that I will be writing it on paper and using an image like this for the cover:

I like the "I am gay" one because I feel like it's more personal. The people in the series are using words that someone has spoken to them so it makes sense to use something that they said to that person. However, not all of these people are gay or identify with that label. So, it's a little tricky there... so I came up with the second one. Now, I'm just battling with what I want to do. Suggestions? Oh yeah, and these pictures are just rough drafts of what I want to do. I'll change the handwriting and they won't be crooked in the final images.

I changed the self portrait photo (last one) and I will probably be changing another one of the photos with the solid brick background. I know that my photos seem to be a little unbalanced right now because they are all lesbians but I'm going to be meeting up with some guys this week. I'm hoping that I will be able to get at least three transgendered people before the series is over.

I plan to do the 10 x 8 book from Blurb. The layout will look something like this:

Do you guys think I should let the images speak for themselves or should I add text and share part of these people's stories? Or maybe have a short quote from each person regarding them coming out or a struggle they've faced? I'm not sure what I want to do yet.

I think the cover of the book may be a close up of the notebook with the title handwritten on the page. I'm not sure what the title of this series should be either. So many decisions! The artist statement will go on the inside cover and the back of the book will be left blank.